Wednesday, June 15, 2011


White is the challenge, this was interesting to work out as white is white, anyway we played around and came up with "Twins". Image from Shutterstock, cloud background from personal photographs.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The elements in "Journey" are from the Japanese Space Probe - as the probe Hayabusa streaked across the sky before landing, a simulated image of the probe landing on the asteroid Itokawa, and an image of the asteroid.



Could not decide which image to use for stars so included both. Images are from Shutterstock and Google.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Love smoothies, so this is the starting point of my image.  Glasses of smoothies (Shutterstock) have been filtered in Filter Forge 3 using the Pixelate filter and then given a slight twirl.

Twisted Smoothie

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Moon and sunset (Google image), gymnast (Shutterstock), clouds from personal collection, lot of manipulation.


Monday, June 6, 2011

# 31

The title of the challenge is "Flowers", I have used images created by Joao Pedro Canhenha in his tutorial "Summer Nature" with some changes, but not many.
